Blog Author Jeffrey DAntonio Blog DateSeptember 4, 2024
The fading line of CRM and computing- Cloud CRM
Newer technology innovations have changed the modus operandi of businesses. The difference between how companies were run a few years ago, against now, is largely attributable to the increasing digitization of almost all functions and processes within an organization. Sharing various resources via...

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Vivek Gupta | August 25, 2017
Mastech 2.0 | What’s next?
Over the last 17 months, we have been consciously undergoing a metamorphosis. We decided to embark upon a journey of transformation from the Mastech that was (what we called, “Mastech 1.0”) to Mastech 2.0 – a digital transformation services company. Enroute, we made a brief pit stop at Mastech 1.5,...
Vivek Gupta | March 10, 2017
Leadership and Rowing
Years ago, while attending a conference in Washington, D.C., I heard a well-known keynote speaker draw an interesting parallel. “Running a successful company is like rowing,” he said. I found that simile kind of interesting and kept relating it to several situations after that. I think I can now...
Vivek Gupta | September 8, 2016
The World of Digital, and us.
When I took over as the CEO in March, I saw a tremendous opportunity here. An opportunity to use our strengths and experience in technology staffing to offer new services in the Digital space. After brainstorming with the leadership team, we put together a six-month plan to recast the organization....