Blog Author Jeffrey DAntonio Blog DateSeptember 4, 2024
The fading line of CRM and computing- Cloud CRM
Newer technology innovations have changed the modus operandi of businesses. The difference between how companies were run a few years ago, against now, is largely attributable to the increasing digitization of almost all functions and processes within an organization. Sharing various resources via...

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Increasing Business Efficiency through Digital Transformation
In today’s digital economy, it makes sense to adopt faster, more effective operational frameworks – an idea that has given rise to digital transformation services, more boutique and agile in nature.
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How Four Technologies Converged to Create a Change
Social, mobile, analytics, and cloud (SMAC) technologies were once pure disruption. Today, they are an integral part of businesses that want to evolve their digital enterprise to suit futuristic IT infrastructures. Preparing for changes in digital technologies will help companies stay ahead of the...