Blog Author Jeffrey DAntonio Blog DateSeptember 4, 2024
The fading line of CRM and computing- Cloud CRM
Newer technology innovations have changed the modus operandi of businesses. The difference between how companies were run a few years ago, against now, is largely attributable to the increasing digitization of almost all functions and processes within an organization. Sharing various resources via...

Latest Blog

Kishalay Gangopadhyay | September 4, 2024
Product Information Management in Manufacturing | Part II
The second portion of this two-part blog describes PIM, the challenges PIM can address, benefits of the PIM Suite, and the solutions offered.
Kishalay Gangopadhyay | September 4, 2024
Predict or Prescribe | What is the Future of Big Data?
Big Data continues to remain a black box term, even as we enter the second half of 2018. There are questions around it such as, how is it collected and what it takes to manage it and make it usable for business. The easiest way to explain this might be in the form of an analogy, something we could...
Kishalay Gangopadhyay | February 1, 2018
Product Information Management in Manufacturing | Part I
Part one of this two-part series describes what the manufacturing sector is all about, business objectives within the manufacturing industry, key business challenges faced in this sector, and why PIM is needed to overcome these challenges.