Blog Author Jeffrey DAntonio Blog DateSeptember 4, 2024
The fading line of CRM and computing- Cloud CRM
Newer technology innovations have changed the modus operandi of businesses. The difference between how companies were run a few years ago, against now, is largely attributable to the increasing digitization of almost all functions and processes within an organization. Sharing various resources via...

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Garima Jain | September 4, 2024
Prescriptive Analytics | The Final Frontier of Analytic Capabilities
Prescriptive analytics is a branch of data analytics that uses prescient (predictive) models to propose actions for ideal results. Prescriptive analytics is associated with both prescient and descriptive analytics. While prescient analytics figures what might happen, and descriptive analytics...
Garima Jain | November 2, 2018
Big Data Analytics | Running on Real-Time
Big data analytics is the process of analyzing huge and fluctuated informational collections – collections that can reveal shrouded designs, obscure connections, advertised patterns, client inclinations, and other valuable data that can create associations to facilitate more-educated business...