Blog Author Marketing Team Blog DateDecember 10, 2024
The Role of Engineering Staffing in Scaling Your Business
Imagine a fast-growing startup in the autonomous vehicle industry facing an unexpected challenge: a breakthrough idea for a self-driving algorithm requires immediate implementation, but their in-house engineering team needs to gain the specialized expertise to develop it. Within weeks of partnering...

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Babu Venkatachalapathy | September 4, 2024
Offshore Staffing Solutions – The Ideal Strategy for Hiring IT Talent
An organization’s true lifeblood is its workforce, which collectively operates strategically to attain the enterprise objective. Securing competent, highly skilled, and reliable talent is an arduous affair, and most Human Resource Managers are familiar with this. Hiring and retaining employees is...
Babu Venkatachalapathy | September 4, 2024
Hiring Tech Professionals Offshore or Outsource- Which is Better?  
A  2021 report by McKinsey & Company reveals that 87% of the companies worldwide are skeptical of a skill gap within their organization. While 43% of the respondents believe they are already faced with a skill shortage, 22% said they anticipate one in the next two years.
Babu Venkatachalapathy | August 2, 2022
How does offshore staffing benefit your business? 
Offshore Staffing is the practice of hiring employees overseas to take up some part of your business operations. Offshoring is a method of outsourcing that has been around for a long time. Its origin dates back to the 1960s, when developed nations offshored manufacturing services to other...